Minggu, 19 April 2009


Cetane Number of Bensin Irex for Diesel Engines

Ida Betanursanti and Widyastuti

Muhammadiyah Technology Institute of Kebumen

Yos Sudarso street 461th Gombong Kebumen 54412

Tel. +62 287 554 7279 ; Fax +62 287 472 433; hp. +62813 2886 2839

e-mail: ibetanursanti@gmail.com

Palm oils or waste palm oils are blended with kerosene for wide vary called bensin irex. Both of these fuels are a controversy for run diesel engines. This paper was found out the cetane number of bensin irex to substitute the diesel fuel. The petroleum laboratory analyzed of specification of bensin irex and then this specification used to calculate the cetane number. The data of diesel fuel compared to the data of bensin irex, kerosene, straight palm oils, and waste palm oils. Cetane number of bensin irex was feasible to substituted diesel fuel. Palm or waste palm oil blended with kerosene has a linear effect to cetane number. 60% and higher composition of waste palm oil was suggested used for low rotation rate of diesel engines.

This project was funded by Young Lecturer Program of DIPA of Coordinator Private College Region VI Middle of Java in 2007.

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